I give my consent for the Beaches Baby Pty Ltd, Lactation Consultant to work with me and my baby during this consultation and subsequent consultations and communications for my breastfeeding problem/concern. This consent is for in­ person visits, telehealth visits, phone conversations, and any information sent/communicated by e­mail, mobile phone, fax, SMS text messages, and/or private social media. I understand that electronic/cellular forms of communication may not be encrypted/secure.

I understand that a lactation consultation may involve the lactation consultant:

  • touching my breasts and/or nipples for the purposes of assessment

  • inserting gloved fingers into my baby’s mouth to assess suck

  • observation of a breastfeed, and suggestions to enhance latch or position

  • demonstration and use of equipment or supplies that may be recommended

  • demonstration of techniques designed to improve breastfeeding

I understand a partial or follow­ up visit is sometimes necessary and may require additional appointments. I understand that breastfeeding supplies and/or breast pumps may be recommended as effective management of specific situations.

I understand that non identifying photographs of either myself or my baby may be taken during our session or via other communication methods for the purposes of my care.

I understand that I am responsible for informing the lactation consultant of changes I feel are necessary in the care plan at the time of the visit or during the course of follow­ up communications. I understand it is my responsibility to call the lactation consultant with progress reports, questions or concerns.

I give my consent for the lactation consultant to use clinical information and any photographs obtained during our sessions for conferring other health care providers and education of mothers about lactation. I won’t be identified in any way, but aspects of my situation may be described and discussed.

I understand that for this lactation consultation and all follow­ ups, the lactation consultant will protect the privacy of my personal health information as required by the Code of Ethics of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, and the Standards of Practice of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions when booking the appointment, I agree to the terms for the entirety of our working relationship.