To the Mum & Dad with the Really Hard Baby

I see you. And I feel you.

The little one that wants to be held all day until your back absolutely breaks.

The one who cries all day long, no matter what you try, and you have tried everything.

The one that doesn’t sleep.

The one that doesn’t feed well.

The one that doesn’t eat anything that you cook for them, especially after your have spent hours making something you are sure that they will love.

The one that is constantly sick.

The one that doesn’t want to play independently.

The one that doesn’t share.

The one that bites and kicks and hits.

The one that freaks out when you stand up or walk away, even just for a minute to use the loo.

The one that won’t go to anyone else.


You are not selfish for wanting to take a minute for yourself.

You are not selfish for wanting a break.

You are not a bad Mum for sleep training.

You are not a bad Mum for giving them baby food pouches or cereal for dinner.

You are not selfish if you aren’t loving every minute of parenthood.


It’s ok to miss your old life.

It’s ok to wish they were an easier child.

It’s ok for not loving it.

It’s ok for not enjoying every moment.

It’s ok to be jealous of the parents with kids that seem to be happy the majority of the time.


AND, You are doing amazing. Even when you think you aren’t.

You are doing the best job that you absolutely can. No one is in your shoes exactly.

These are not normal times in the world to have a baby. Social Isolation is not how this was meant to go.

Survival is sometimes the absolute best you can offer and that is more than enough.

You are enough.

You are the world to your tiny humans.

I know you love them with your whole being.

And anyone who is judging you, isn’t worth having around.

Here’s hoping it will get better. Everyone tells me it does.

So from my shitshow to yours.

You have got this.

Sending you much love and hugs and support (and chocolate, wine and the hope of some alone time).
Peta xo


Chicken Avgolemono Soup (Greek Lemon Soup)


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