Breastfeeding “Older” Babies

Breastfeeding has been recommended for children up to 2 years and as long as mutually desired. And yet we still hear stories of Mums being told to wean because there is no longer a benefit to their baby. So here are some reasons to continue breastfeeding your “older” child.

Connection - I loved feeding my older child, especially after being away from him all day at work. I called it “Reconnection Feeding”. I moment to stop, relax and chill out together!

Immunity - This is the biggest one! Those first years of daycare germs are brutal on the immune system! They get sick with everything (and so do you!). Your breastmilk is an alive substance. By taking in all of those disgusting germs, your milk then changes to combat those germs and get your little one get over those illnesses a little quicker.

Nutrients for Fussy Eaters - I miss feeding because of this one! My son is the pickiest eater. I cannot get a single vegetable into him. Know my milk had a balance of all the vitamins and minerals he needed was a huge benefit.

Calming - My advice for Mums of crying babies is always, when in doubt, whip it out. It has such an immediate calming effect on little ones. Again - When in doubt, whip it out.

Pain Relief - Got an ouchie? Vaccination day? Again - When in doubt, whip it out.

Convenience - Because sometimes, it’s just easier to again, whip it out!

And because its no-ones business! How long you choose to feed your bubba is entirely up to you. The benefits don’t just disappear after 6 mths or 12 mths. It doesn’t stop being good for them. With the exception of Iron which does lower at 6mths and they need to have it in their solids, breastmilk pretty much stays the same in its makeup.

So if you are being told to wean because your baby is “too old”, know that you do not have to do anything you don’t want to do! Personally, I did 14mths with my 1st and 32mths with my 2nd. It wasn’t without it’s challenges and I certainly had days where I just wanted my own body back but both my kiddos weaned themselves when they were ready and it worked well for us. You and your kiddo decide what works for you.


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